Sunday, February 27, 2011

Alex and Kerry came to visit, then we took Alex home

Molly was excited to meet Alex roomates. Look at her face, let alone the girl on the left! Cracks me up. I hope she had a nitegown on, or I took a pic with her boob hangin out!

Here we are, getting ready to take off shopping. And we did shop. Alex got 9 items. 2 dresses 3 tops, pants, 3 sweaters. Does that add up to 9? Who the hell knows, at my age. I,m feeling old lately. My mind isnt busy enough. Hummmmmmmmm. Need to start reading, I have lots of good books, but its just like the treadmill. Dont wannnna!!!!!!!!!! Alex getting her roots touched up. She told us shes going to dye alittle streak of purple. Shes always wanted purple hair. So who knows, she just might do it. Kerry looks so fashionable in her dads tee-shirt!

Football shoes, that the guy told my were baseball shoes? So who ever plays football next, you can have them.

Kerry did I give you the shorts and top for Jackson? Meant too.

This turned out good. Its the receipt on the bisquick box for hamburger pie. Very simple, bet the boys would like it.

Thanks Kerry and Alex for coming over. So glad Alex you spent the nite. We watched "due date". Totally dumn, dont rent it. Was good to see where you live Alex and meet acouple of your roomates. Love ya lots.


Kerry said...

I can still see flooor in her apartment so it isn't that dirty.

Kim said...

Molly cracks me up, she doesn't care who she loves! The girl in the jammies in the mid-day, can you say wake up!! Funny. Alex looks real good.