Thursday, October 7, 2010

It was "alittle"cold

Yes, it was cold. First we had Benson 9 soccer game, then Kim and I went to a fall festival. Then on to Davis football game. Dinner at texas road house, thennn on to the greenBay Gamblers! They lost but it was in overtime and only 2 fights, so I enjoyed it. Took me a week to recover. Now we are on the Benson playing baseball.

He sure has a good coach.

DAvis is #5. Can you find him? Look close. He plays his heart out.

Benson plays like he's a "rock star".He keeps us all laughing all the time. Except when he's crying or whinning.

Love this picture. Its like, please put me in,coach.

Notice Benson pushing the kid out of the way.

We are settled in Shawano Wi. for a few weeks. Fridge is full of Brats and have hit all the farmer markets for fresh veggies. Mac and I went to 2 garage sales today. Bought a table and som other treasures. Kim drove up from Greenbay. We did breakfast and then came back and fished.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

At least it's not raining there.