Monday, October 18, 2010

fall days

Here's Teddy. He has been sick again with very bad ears. Think the med is helping him. Poor doggie.

Benson playing in the leaves. Davis was bird hunting with his dad. I'm trying to get used to my new laptop. Its so cool. Need better lite so I can see what I'm trying to write.

We rake and rake and next day there are tons more. How come I agreed to rake leaves? Today was alittle exciting for me. The realtor came at 9:30 ND TOLD ME HE WOULD BE BRING----INGHIS CREW OF 9 BY AT NOON. Holly crap I called Mac back in from fishing and we busted a--. They came in and were gone in 10 minutes. Open house on sunday. Please be gone. Who knows, it just might sale and were outta here. Now I have to keep it super picked up all the time. UGH!

bESNON WENT TO THE EYE DR TODAY. His optical nerve is still swollen. He told Kim to follow up wih the ped. dr? He camew home today with a headache.

Hope all had a good day. your dad made a pot of beans and I watched a week worth of my soap on the laptop.
Love, ME

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