Monday, August 2, 2010

Visit from greenbay family, camp pics, vaca with Kerry and Kevin

Benson with a "blueJacket" baseball player. He loved it. Kerry and the boys, when we all went to the "river".

They all had a great time, and so did the big people!

Alex came over the day before we left. Great to see her. Wish she would or could come more.

And then, bad news, Mac's brother passed away. So we thru a few things in a suitcast and off we went to Maine. It was a nice funeral and a beautiful day to bury him with full military honors.

Then back to finish our vacation with the kids from Greenbay. Davis in grandpa canoe. He took right over, of course we almost cried, watching him on the lake. He's so grown-up anymore.

Yummy smores for the evening. Last fire of the summer as the burn ban is on now.

Grandpa gave him the canoe. He was quite pleased.

Hum, little brother watching, we told him, that can be you, when you learn to swim.

Back to the river, boys had a ball on the tube, pulled by Kevins boat.

Benson is scared to death, but warmed up as the day went.

oh lord, look who also tried it.

Benson and grandma just hung out at the pool.


Wanda said...

Looks like a good time was had by all. Glad we got to see you guys this summer. Although, wish it had been under better circumstances, and a longer visit, but maybe we'll be out in the spring for a visit. Glad you finaly made it home to spend some more time with Kim & the boys before they headed back to Wisconsin.

Kerry said...

You did a lot in a very short river and maine. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Kim said...

We really did get quite allot done in a very short time. We had a blast, the boys had lots of fun. Now back to the daily routine of our hoo.